Resources For All
Student or teacher in biology? Find out how bioCEED may help you!
bioCEED for Students
bioCEED for Educators
bioCEED for Students
Feeling lost in your studies? Having motivation problems? Wondering about practical work experience?
- Practical work experience in biology, biopraksis
- Prepare yourself for exams, eksamentrening, with Arild Raaheim
- Read reports from student meetings
- Increase your numerical competency and find help with MS Excel, R and NetLogo at bioST@TS
- Learn about R and statistics, and share your experience and tips: join the codeRclub
- Try out our species identification app Artsapp
- Seek help from other biology students at biORAKEL, and more to come...
Where Students Meet Students
Practical Experience and Work Placement
Transferable Skills
Tips and Digital Resources
Communication in Biology
bioCEED for Educators
Here we have gathered some of the bioCEED resources for educators.
- Use bioST@TS as part of your course material
- Apply for project funds
- Check out our bioCEED seminar series:
- Social Media in Education
- Evaluation and quality assurance, with Roy Andersson
- Team Based Learning, with Silje Mæland
Studentaktiv undervisning - erfaringer fra grunnleggende kurs i fysikk v/ professor Anders Malthe-Sørenssen, Universitetet i Oslo
- Active learning, with Cissy Ballen
- Strengthen the link between guest lectures and topics in a course, with Mads Forchhammer
- Making (use of) videos in Teaching and Learning, with Jonathan Soule
- and more to come...
Transferable Skills
Photo credits: Paul Sigve Amundsen/Forskerforum